Monday, November 7, 2011

DIY fun...

Its official - the sun is setting earlier and the days are turning colder. Winter is almost here. I can smell it in the air, and see it in the fallen autumn leaves. For someone from the Antipodes, this is frightening. 

It has definitely meant a slowing down of outdoor weekend activities for The Man of the House and I. So what did this past weekend bring? Something that goes hand in hand with moving continents and perhaps my two least favourite words in the English language ... IKEA and building. I think IKEA is one of those things that divides people. Some people that I mention it to love the idea of home do-it-yourself building and creating (and following laborious diagrams). Others loathe it. Like me. In my mind, building something yourself is an immense waste of precious time and looks a little like this:

I am not a builder of any description. The little confused IKEA man just about sums it up for me. 

Thankfully, The Man of the House does a much better job of these things. A little peak at his handiwork:

It got me to thinking, why is IKEA so successful? Why on earth does the thought of building cheap furniture themselves appeal to so many people world-wide? If I had my way, all furniture that entered our home would be fully assembled but sadly, British Pound Sterling doesn't grow on that tree in our backyard. And I think that must be it - if nothing else, IKEA is cheap and stylish. Designs are modern. Everything comes in a flat-pack. You know what you are getting.

In any event, I hope that we are done with building furniture for the near future. There's nothing like a confused blobby man to cause domestic disquiet!


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