Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sale Sale Sale...!

Now that daylight savings have been removed from our London lives, it is getting dark pretty quick in the afternoon. And cold. And wet. I am not complaining - everyone in Australia knows that you don't move to England for the weather. All it means I guess is that I will have to be a little more creative when it comes to activities outside of the house. 

One indoors activity that I am a huge fan of is shopping. Yep - it can be done in all weather, at all times and every day of the week. And in London, there are a lot of shopping opportunities. Just when I think I have had enough, something new comes along to entice me. For example, the sample sale. Sure there were sample sales in Australia (everyone waiting desperately for that twice a year Sass & Bide sale) but nothing like there is here. 

Before arriving in London, a good friend clued me in about certain daily emails that inform you of such things as sample sales when they come along. So this morning, I got wind of a Reiss sample sale in Mayfair and along I went. 

Well....I could not breathe in that place! A warehouse room crammed full of clothes and humans all fighting for those same garments is a recipe for disaster in my mind. It was pure chaos. I think I lasted about 3 minutes before the unbearableness of it all forced me back out the door. Sort of like this:

So I think the lesson learnt today is that a sample sale in a place as big as London (even on a Thursday) is a no-go zone. Even for someone as dedicated to the art of shopping and fashion as I am, too many people clawing over clothes is simply not cool. 

Time to find a new wet weather hobby....

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