Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Caffeine in my daily life

I am becoming one of those “two coffee a day” people now that winter seems to be approaching. The allure of the drink, thoughts of which made my stomach well up a mere month ago, is now something that sends my brain into raptures.  I suppose the re-commissioning of my Nespresso machine has had much to do with this new addiction. While the little box of caffeinated joy was in transit from Sydney to London, I had struggled to find a decent cup of coffee anywhere in this massive city. This in itself still astounds me. How can a city as over-sized and population filled as London fail to deliver to me something as simple as good coffee? Of course, now that my beloved machine hums purposefully in the corner of my kitchen, I have found one place where the gods send of a barrister churns out unfailingly good coffee time after time. Hence, my two coffee a day ritual has developed - one at home, one at my favourite café (Tina We Salute You in Dalston - tinawesaluteyou.com). Wonders will never cease. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog stranger ;) I'll be sure to keep an eye on this!
