Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A little bit French-y

At risk of sounding cliched, I love almost all things French. Paris, smelly cheese, macaroons, champagne and Lacroix (not necessarily in that order either!). 

Given this, I was truly excited about dining at Les Trois Garcons in Shoreditch last weekend to celebrate the birthday of one of our close Australian friends who also lives here in London. His choice and I applauded the decision. When you walk in, the decor is amazing - think lots of stuffed animals (I presumed not once living) adorned with sparkling jewels and ornaments. See for yourself:

Nice huh?!

Being a little bit posh, we were served belinis to start (a personal favourite) and an amuse bouche, to tantalise the palate. All was going along well and I was very happy with my main when it arrived: 

There's something about a hand-dived scallop that just tastes so good! Everyone seemed to enjoy their food and the ambience, the birthday boy loving his chateaubriand. Dessert was also a hit for me:

Although apologies for forgetting to take the before shot! 

All in all, a great night. Unfortunately, the evening was somewhat tainted for me by a bout of gastro that hit around 3.30am when I was (thankfully) home in bed. Now, I am unsure as to whether to blame those fabulous hand-dived scallops or some kind of unwashed mint leaf in my mojito at the bar next-door, but suffice to say I was not a happy camper for the entirety of Sunday. 

Anyway, now that I am ahem...older....I think life is too short to whinge about these kind of things. I still loved Les Trois Garcons, and will no doubt return at some point. Throw in the close proximity to home and the awesome Beach Blanket Babylon next-door and I can see myself becoming something of a 'regular'. 

Try it - you'll like it!

Till tomorrow....

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