Thursday, October 20, 2011

A stitch in time

So here's the thing - I am not what you would describe as a "homemaker" type of woman. As such, I have had a very limited interest in all things craft related for as long as I care to remember (except for that brief flirtation with cross-stitch at age 10...). Why then, you may ask, did I sign up for a sewing course on a recent Monday evening? 

Well, although the precise logic escapes me, I think it had something to do with my deep love of fashion and some perverse idea that I, too, could churn out some little Prada-esq numbers at some future point.

Encouraged by The Man of the House, I signed up for a "make your own hot water bottle cover" introduction to sewing at a recent addition to my area, Ray Stitch in Islington ( Bearing in mind I had never even so much as touched a sewing machine before, it promised to be a challenge. And who knew that loading a bobbin could be so complicated?! ....luckily our fantastic teacher was on hand to smooth the process for me (I should also mention that The Man of the House was along for moral support - and proved also to be much help - I like to think that his engineering degree gave him an unfair advantage though...)

What can I say? The class was fantastic....I encourage all budding sewers or people with any interest in perhaps making a Versace like number to sign up for an evening course at Ray Stitch. They also do more advanced classes for people who, unlike me, have more of an affiliation with the sewing machine. Our teacher was a god-send, and all materials, as well as snacks and wine, were provided (the wine being much needed!) What did the end product look like you ask? See for yourself:

While I admit it is not perfectly symmetrical, I am as pleased as punch with the outcome. At the very least, my fake Burberry clad hot water bottle will keep my feet warm now that the colder weather seems to have first winter in the Northern hemisphere is creeping up on me quicker than expected!

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. And a link for those interested....
