Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A little about yours truly

So I may have jumped in a little early yesterday without a proper introduction.

I am student from Auckland NZ, via a stint in Sydney Australia where I met and married my soul-mate (The Man of the House). We moved to London on a wing and a prayer about 3 months ago now. I am still trying to work this massive city out and thought it would be memory capturing to record my experiences and findings in this blog. 

A little about me? I am a book nut, and usually have 2 or more on the go at any one time. I love skiing (which will probably feature a lot in here), running (3 marathons down) and film. That's about it really. I am married to the perfect man (if that's possible), childless but with one very spoilt brown cat (Coco Bean). 

Well, I hope that someone out there is interested enough in a London newbie recording her experiences to actually read this thing. Stay tuned for more exciting instalments about life in a big, "full of people" city!

I thought a gratuitous shot of my little baby would help things along:

See you tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck - with life in London (My home town, so the best ever city) and with this blog - I'll pop back to see how you're getting on!
